As every restaurateur, coffee shop owner, or food facility supervisor knows. Grease Trap Cleaning Perth is essential to running any commercial kitchen. Grease traps are designed to keep fatty oils and grease from reaching the municipal sewage system, where they can cause blockages and costly repairs.
Cleaning a grease trap is fairly simple and only requires average physical stamina for the few minutes involved. This guide ensures your restaurant’s grease trap is cleaned properly and on schedule.

A grease trap is a device that sits in your kitchen plumbing system to keep fats, oils and greases (FOG) from entering the wastewater system. These substances can block sewer lines and cause sewage back-ups, which can be expensive for your restaurant and your customers. To avoid this, you need to clean your grease trap regularly.
Keeping your grease traps clean will help minimize odors and clogs and protect your kitchen equipment from damage by the FOG. However, you need to have the right tools to do this task properly. The best way to do this is by using a professional service that can handle the job for you.
A grease trap cleaning process starts with removing the lid and scraping away solidified waste. Then, you need to empty the trap into a garbage bag for disposal. Once you’ve removed all of the waste, you should measure the amount of FOG inside the trap. This is important because most city sewer bylaws require this information in your maintenance log. You should also enter the date of the cleanup in your wastewater hauler load ticket.
Once the grease trap is clean, you should run water through it to ensure that everything flows freely. If you notice any signs of a clog or other issue, then it’s time to call a professional.
You should use a chemical-free method for cleaning your grease traps, which means using steam, hot water and detergent rather than bleach or other chemicals. These products can cause problems with your drains and can be dangerous if you inhale their fumes. Professional cleaners will know the best methods to use and which cleaning products are safe for your equipment. A professional can also help you determine how often to clean your grease traps, as well as when a full inspection is needed. This will help your restaurant maintain compliance with local sewer bylaws and ensure your grease traps remain effective. Using a professional will help you avoid costly repairs and re-cleaning expenses.
A grease trap is a vital component of any restaurant or facility that prepares food. Municipal codes require these systems to be inspected and cleaned regularly. Failing to do so can lead to costly sewer system backups and foul odors. Grease traps collect fatty waste from drains in kitchens, dish-washing stations, and other compartments that would otherwise flow into the public sewage system and cause blockages. They work by holding the fatty waste until it solidifies, then letting water and other non-greasy liquids pass into the sewer system.
A clogged grease trap can cause expensive plumbing problems, including sewer overflows, that can close down your business and expose you to fines from the municipality. You can avoid these issues by keeping your grease trap clean and scheduling regular cleaning services.
Grease traps should be inspected at least once every 90 days to determine when they need to be cleaned. However, some grease traps may need to be cleaned more frequently, especially if they are heavily used. During the inspection, you will note the amount of fats, oils, and grease (FOG) that is present in the trap. You will also check the baffles, which are usually covered in a layer of solid grease that needs to be removed with a scoop and placed in a waste receptacle.
Before you begin the cleaning process, you should wear a face mask to protect yourself from rancid grease odors. You should also have a bucket and a heavy-duty scoop ready to remove the waste. You should place the waste in a water-tight garbage bag for disposal. Next, you will use a stick or wooden dowel to insert into the grease trap and mark the amount of waste in the trap. This will help you know when it is time to pump out the grease trap.
A good rule of thumb is to pump out your grease trap when 25% of its volume is occupied by grease and 75% is water. This is just a general rule of thumb and will vary by business type and location, but it can help you maintain a proper grease trap service schedule.
When cleaning a grease trap, it is essential to have the right equipment. This includes gloves and goggles to protect yourself from any splashes or fumes that may occur. You will also need a bucket for any water or grease that may spill during the cleaning process. Finally, you will need a brush or scrubber with stiff bristles that will help to clean the sides and bottom of the grease trap thoroughly.
Grease traps are built to hold FOGs and prevent them from flowing into the sewer system, where they can cause blockages. However, if you neglect to regularly clean your grease trap, it can begin to overflow and create foul odors in your kitchen. This can lead to expensive plumbing repairs, costly fines from your municipality, and environmental damage.
Depending on your city’s regulations, you may need to submit regular reports on how much grease you dispose of from your grease trap. This is how your municipality will determine if you are in compliance with the law. A ruler, stick, or wooden dowel is helpful for measuring how much waste is in your trap so that you can record this information on your report.
Once the grease trap has been emptied and cleaned, it is important to rinse it thoroughly with water before reassembling it. This helps to make sure that any residue from the old grease is removed and that the new grease is sealed properly. After rinsing, you should test the drains to make sure they are fully functional.
If you want to avoid the hassle of purchasing and maintaining the proper equipment for grease trap cleaning, consider hiring a professional company that provides grease trap services. They will use high-end equipment to pump out your trap and then dispose of it properly as part of their service. This will save you time and money, while ensuring that your grease trap is in tip-top shape.
A professional company can also help you with other environmental needs, such as installing an underground septic tank system or replacing your existing one. They will also offer comprehensive wastewater treatment solutions, including aeration systems to reduce odors and other pollutants in your water.
A regular grease trap cleaning schedule is essential for any kitchen. Not only will it reduce odor and prevent clogs, but it will also help your establishment avoid costly plumbing repairs down the road. But cleaning a grease trap is no small task, and it requires proper safety equipment, knowledge, and technique to ensure the process goes smoothly and safely.
Before beginning, be sure to wear protective gloves and goggles. It is also recommended that you have a bucket for the waste and another bucket for the water used to clean the trap. This will prevent the waste and the cleaning solution from mixing, which could cause a dangerous chemical reaction. You should also have a utility sink available to wash your hands during the cleaning process.
First, begin by removing the lid of the grease trap. Do this slowly to avoid damaging the gaskets that are located underneath the cover. Once the lid has been removed, you can start to scoop out the solidified fats and oils into a separate bucket. You may need to use a scraper to remove any larger pieces that are stuck to the sides of the trap. Once the majority of the waste has been removed, dump it into a garbage disposal. For a more thorough cleaning, you can also use a wet/dry vacuum to suck any remaining waste from the trap. After the majority of the waste has been removed, you can start cleaning the lids, trap sides, and baffles with soap and room-temperature water. It is also a good idea to use a steel pot scrubber to eliminate bad odor and prevent the buildup of soap scum.
Finally, rinse the trap with clean water to flush away any soap and residue. You can then reassemble the trap and reinstall the lid. Be sure to follow any instructions on the label for proper disposal, as violating municipal regulations can result in heavy fines.
Grease traps are a vital component of any commercial kitchen, and they must be properly maintained to function effectively. If the trap is not cleaned often enough, it can become overloaded with FOG and stop working efficiently. The best way to keep your grease trap in tip-top shape is to follow the “1/4 Rule” and have it pumped out when it is 1/4 full of FOG.